Blueprint pro wrestling october 6
Blueprint pro wrestling october 6

It was an hour long match with all the tropes but who cares. “This is the greatest television match in history.

blueprint pro wrestling october 6 blueprint pro wrestling october 6

A masterpiece of North American wrestling.” -Warren Hayes “The match that demonstrated that Adam Page can hang with the best wrestlers in the world. You take a babyface world champion in Hangman Page, beloved by the fans, but potentially teetering on feeling a bit ‘too squeaky clean’ and you put him across the ring from Bryan Danielson, an unrelenting in-ring force who can not only hurt our hero physically with his vicious kicks & punishing submissions, but who repeatedly taunts our hero, driving him to the mental brink as well.Īnd just like in HBK/Mankind 25 years prior, while we didn’t get that clean pinfall win on that we might have wanted in this hour-long war, by the end of the match, we *knew* that the ‘squeaky clean’ babyface champ was as tough as nails and could take anything this bully or anybody else threw at them.” -Liam Renner “This may seem a strange comparison at first glance, but I likened this match to the famous Mick Foley/Shawn Michaels match from 1996. They outdid themselves weeks later (IMO), but this match absolutely ruled.” -Marty Day I knew once Danielson was doing jumping jacks that we’d go long, but I don’t think any of us expected this would go an hour, nor that Page could hang to the level he did. “The heel renaissance of Bryan Danielson continued perfectly here, as the Anxious Millennial faces his first true challenge - a fired up version of a Ghost of Christmas past, as Danielson resurrected his prime ROH heel character for a new era.

blueprint pro wrestling october 6



A 60-minute masterclass in professional wrestling between “Hangman” Adam Page and Bryan Danielson.

Blueprint pro wrestling october 6